I do.
That is an affirmative, Miss Caroline Jane Miller!
For many months, Caroline has mastered the notoriously infamous toddler word, "NO!"
Currently, she is learning the art of stringing a few jibberishly, somewhat translatable words together to explain exactly what she wants after she has said, "No!" to the thing she clearly doesn't want in a given moment. This is definitely a fun season of amazing growth with our 'lil nugget.
Here is a list of the following, "Yes! I do's" we frequent on a normal day:
- Smoothie (A daily treat)
- Snacks (Only Annie's Organic goodies!)
- Park (1 block away! Our home away from home.)
- Stroller (Her own mini-stroller, where Rufus and baby get fun rides!)
- Walk (Nightly routine before bedtime... CJ leads the way and hits up everyone's porch!)
- Pray (She fold her 'lil hands, reminds us to pray for Addie and ends with an "Amens" (plural)!
- Addie's house (The 1 and only... This is the home of the original play group that meets on Monday. Caroline makes sure and prays for Addie at every meal and before bedtime at a minimum of 30X/ day!)
- Book Babies (She's nearly outgrown this program at the library, but she still loves to go!)
- Lilly (This 4 yr. old cutie is adored by CJ. It's pretty precious.
- Taco Tuesday (Enough Said!)
- Rufus (You would think Rufus was the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ!)
- Church (Yup, CJ loves the nursery at the church we attend.)
- Blocks (Bob the builder, watch out!)
- Daniel the Tiger (He's the new animated Mr. Rogers 2.0, but a Tiger.... only 15 min./ day!)
- "Wallow plants" - water plants (She's a fan, but only if I hold her while watering)
- Jersey (Yup. She loves her pink Ginobili jersey!)
We are coming up on 21 months, and it's amazing how time flies. I couldn't be more blessed with an awesome 'lil family. Caroline makes the world a better place. She's my nugget, and she daily stirs my soul with a deeper affection, compassion and love I never knew existed.... yup, she's 'da bomb!
Would I do it all over again?
Yes, I do!